
Welcome to ℤ𝕪𝕟𝕚𝕜𝕦𝕤𝕄𝕒𝕩𝕚𝕞𝕦𝕤 – Realität ist viel kranker als jede Fantasie.

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Wie viel Herz kannst du hören, sag mir, mein Freund?Bei 15.000 Schlägen, da wird's wohl gemeint.Hörst du den Puls? Den Trommelschlag laut?Schaffst du die Marke, wenn alles dich schaut?Das Herz, es pumpt, doch bleib lieber kühl,Denn über die Grenze wird's schnell mal zu viel.
This video’s brilliant, there’s no doubt,Keir Starmer would speak if honesty were about.But truth seems rare in today’s game,He speaks to the people, not quite the same.If he were honest, without disguise,His speech would sound just like these ties.
If you thought Anna-Lena was a tough act to top,You should see Kamala, she’s quite the flop.She thinks data in the cloud floats above,In clouds over us, like a celestial love.The “intellectually throttled” scene may cheer,But it’s more bizarre than heavenly clear.